Investor Relations

Meetings, Governance and Committees


Agi Corporate Governance is the process of managing organizational efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness, as adopted by stakeholder representatives, as well as the ability to manage risks that do or might threaten the growth, development and continuity of the organization.

In that context, the goal of Corporate Governance is to standardize organizational architecture and establish structured hierarchies, responsibilities and process so as to ensure the organization will be run in the interest of its stakeholders.

Corporate Governance Structure


The purpose of the Agi Institutional Committees is to assess, debate and make suggestions on how to improve procedures and thus enhance the organization’s management activities. The committees also assess, as determined or delegated by the Executive Board and/or the CEO, any management-related matter at the bank. Agi Committees are established by the Agi Committee Bylaws and run by the Corporate Governance department..

Credit Committee

Establishes guidelines and debates and decides on Credit Policies, Collections, Revenue and Credit Recovery for the institution and its purviews, as well as analyzing, issuing reports and debating and deciding on credit operations within the limits of its decision-making authority.

Information Technology Committee

Establishes policies and guidelines for the use of the systems that make up the Agi platform and promotes the alignment of the business and Information Technology areas, defining the IT strategy, approving and prioritizing IT-related strategic projects, and funding such projects.

Product Committee

Debates and decides on product and policies in exceptional situations, specifically in conditions beyond those determined by their respective regulatory standards.

Treasury Committee

Advises the Board and the shareholders on decisions related to managing the uses and sources of funds, given the profitability and security of the Institution, as well as liquidity and market exposure risk limits.

Customers Committee

Oversees the application of Agi’s code of ethics and conduct, ensuring adequate channels for reporting ethical deviations and disseminating these spaces among employees, partners and suppliers. Evaluates and deliberates on which sanctions should be applied to identified deviations, ensuring equality and impartiality in decisions.

Risks Committee

Monitors policies of risks management for the general operations and oversees Company’s risks management chain. Furthermore, provide support to the Executive Board about profile, tolerance and risk appetite of Agi.

Ethics, Conduct and Integrity

Agi believes the values, behaviors and conduct of all people affect corporate ethics. For this reason, it fosters a culture based on the values described below, where people always come first, whether they are employees, vendors, customers or members of society as a whole.

The client really matters! Promoting financial inclusion means making the world a better place.

Result: We work tirelessly to achieve our goals. There’s nothing better than winning together.

Ethics: Ethics means ethics!

People: We’re crazy about attracting and recognizing talent. Passion for people is what drives us. We work based on collaboration and flow.

Technology and innovation: Technology and innovation are in our DNA.

Get to know the Agi Code of Ethics and Conduct, which details our commitment to ethical standards and sustainable business management. Everything we do must result in the integrated, inseparable balance between the social and economic sides of our business from the point of view of all our audiences.

Reporting Channel

The Agi Reporting Channel underlines the company’s commitment to transparency in its business practices and market relations. The hotline was developed to enable you to report irregularities or even issues that might negatively impact Agibank, other companies in the group, its team members or the outside public.